The Meek Should Inherit the White House
Robert Knight of the Washington Times, in Obama’s bullying pulpit1, makes a insightful and rather devastating analysis of Barack Obama lack of meekness and his ill-suitedness to be President. Quoting a rather fawning article2 by Nicholas Kristoff about Obama being a man of the world, Knight notes that Obama described the Muslim call to prayer as ‘one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.’ Since Muslims do not worship God, but Allah, their call to prayer, “Allah is Supreme,” is empty words. Knight’s insight into Obama’s unfitness to be President is that while he might think this call to prayer pretty, a devout Christian would not.
Just as it is the meek who shall inherit the earth, Knight shows that Obama’s bullying disqualifies him. Not only does Obama not show enough meekness toward the Supreme Court over Obamacare, he contradicts himself by not opposing Roe v. Wade, clearly a case where the Supreme Court overstepped its right of judicial review. And he shows much too much lack of meekness in his dealings with pharmaceutical, insurance, oil, and coal companies, and in his brazen mischaracterization of the Supreme Court’s wise decision on Citizen’s United.
Obama’s blunt warning to the Supreme Court, instigating a mighty clash of the federal branches, shows that if we want to be a better Christian nation, we need someone of more meekness in the White House.